- Some people think that their marriage will end up in disaster. My avater agrees with the first thought
- Some have opposite idea, their marriage will be successful. I have same opinion with the latter one.
Bad girl: Imagine Byelinkov and Varinka as the wheels of the bicycle. The bicycle can not move with only one wheel. Byelinkov is stationary while Varinka is mobile.
Moreover, only Varinka wants to be the rider. Their marriage is like a long-haul journey, Varinaka sooner or later will get tired and if Byelinkov does not want to replace her position, their journey will never reach destination which is compatible marriage.
While Varinala always wants to move forward, Byelinkov keeps his feet on only one place |
Good girl: Your cirtical thinking is not wrong. There are 50% that their relationship will lead to nowhere. How about the other 50%? Do you know puzzle? Each of us is a single piece of a puzzle and our partner is another piece that can match with us, incompletely or completely. In this case, the Byelinkov's piece and Varinaka's piece match each other but not perfectly.
There are some parts of Byelinkov's life where Varinka can not reach but it does not mean they can not live together. You remember the article Baba and Daddy Gus written by Bell Hooks, Baba and Daddy are the two extremes of the spectrum and they were together for more than 70 years at the time of his dealth.
- Baba: "smoking an abundance of cigarettes a day, she talked endlessly. She preached. She yelled. She fussed". (373)
- Daddy: "He was a man of few words, deeply committed to silence - so much so that it was like a religion to him". (373)
And "after his dealth it was easier to see the ways that they complemented and completed each other". (377)
Bad girl: It is unbelievable. Daddy must love Baba more than his own life. If you can find such a man in your life, there will be nothing else important.
Good girl: Haha, I am trying to look for that man.
Bad girl: All women, does not matter how rich, beautiful, ambitious, powerful they are, they always need a real man to be by her side and love her unconditionally.
Good girl: You are so emotional today.
Bad girl remains unspoken.
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